Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tornado Alert

Boo went to Catholic School for 3rd grade.  It was meant to be a 'transition' year between his time at a Montessori school and reentering the public school system.  The teacher already knew and adored him, so I knew he would get great support.

So, a couple of weeks after school started we were watching Die Hard 2 together.  There is that scene towards the end of the movie where everyone is running through the airport in a panic.

He asked why they were running and screaming and so I decided to use it as an opportunity to explain why we have emergency drills.

I asked him, "You know what to do if there is a tornado while you are in your classroom, right?"


I thought that was odd given that we lived in a very active tornado area.  I followed up with, "You have had a tornado drill, haven't you?"


OK.  "Do you know what to do in your classroom if there is a tornado?"


*sigh* The conversation continued like this for a few more rounds, when he finally looked at me like I was the stupidest thing on earth, and exclaimed:

"I know what to do if there is a tornado and I am in the Principal's office.  I just don't know what to do if I am in my classroom!"

Epilogue: I asked the teacher about why he was being sent to the Principal's office and no one had told me.  It turned out that when he would start to get agitated with the noise in the classroom, they would let him go to the office where it was more quiet.  Over time, the Principal even set up a little work area for him (small desk, some supplies, etc.) so he could work more effectively when he was there.

It actually worked out pretty well for him.  He learned to recognize when he was getting overwhelmed and had the option to remove himself from the situation.  Over the course of the year, he retreated less often.  I think he felt comfort in having some control over things.

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