Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Great Taco Meat Fiasco

Boo loves nachos.  Then again, who doesn't?  Crunchy chips, savory meat, creamy sour cream, gobs of cheese...

Damn, I am getting hungry.  But I digress.

One of my favorite things about nachos is that I can cook a pound or two of taco meat, toss it in the fridge, make sure we have all the fixings on hand, and Boo has after-school snacks for a few days.

I like nachos, too, but just the first day.  After day one, the leftovers have always been Boo's.

Having always been an only child, and in a single-parent household for 15 years, he never really had to 'compete' with anyone for food.  And, then I got married.

Many, many things changed for Boo after I got married.  You can imagine how thrilled he was with that.  For months, he tried really hard to be patient and understanding of the changes his new step-father was trying to implement.

Things came to a head one day, though, when Boo went to the fridge to heat up some taco meat to make himself some nachos.  Turns out that Albert had beat him to it, and the treasured taco meat was gone.

I hear this blood-curdling "AHHHH!!!" coming from the kitchen, and take off running, expecting to find him with a severed artery.  Instead, Boo is standing in front of the fridge with the door open, looks at me with a face filled with raw fury, and screams:


The next few minutes are kind of blurry.  I was holding my breath to try and keep from laughing, while simultaneously feeling like this type of inappropriate behavior should be nipped in the bud.

Still, it was funny as hell...

"Reporting for taco-meat-eating duty!"

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